Friday, October 4, 2013

The cats and dogs of Buenos Aires....

For those of you who have been to Buenos Aires, I can only assume you feel like I do... It is amazing.  It’s a mix of cultures and oh so cosmopolitan... European, South American, big City and small town all in one. The people have been lovely, the food has been amazing (and plentiful!), and the experience thoroughly pleasing, thus far. Net net - days 1 + 2 + most of day 3 = Success!

My main observation from the last days revolves around animals...So let’s talk about the dog and cats of my current home away from home (away from home, away from home... wait - do I even technically have a home yet?!).  So - first of my, my sister - you would LOVE this place. There are dogs everywhere!  And - for any aspiring dog walkers out there... do I have an idea for you... move to BA!  It doesn’t seem like the market is me on this one.   Even in the aforementioned cemetery… (see below)

From the Recoleta cemetery

But it’s the dog walkers that are really amazing... or at least the herds of dogs they amass are.  I think the real collective for dogs is a 'pack' - so apologize if that is the case. Seriously; I’ve never seen anything like it.  To my dear friend Teresa Hamm.. Lola and Rocco would either LOVE or hate this... The dogs are big, small, loud, quiet, and definitely in a pack of at least 10 – 15 of their closest compatriots.  And when a new dog joins the herd, they get tied up to the nearest fireplug or tree… Crazy!
Schatzi...because I was never quick enough to take a picture of one of the packs of dogs... :(

So now let’s talk about the cats… or the cat calls, rather.  Amy and I seemingly stick out like sore thumbs here… She is a tall redhead and I a small toe head (as you all knowJ)… And the Argentinian men seem to have taken note. We have been cat called, trilled at, yelled at, honked at, grabbed at…and the list continues…  It has been quite an experience to be such the object of so many a man’s verbal focus…  We shall see if the spectacle continues in Brazil – but for now, it is at lease amusing... and has helped me learn a bit more Spanish… (i.e. No, Nada, etc )  Oh yea... I also bought a scarf depicting ' El Tigre'... uns uns uns... See below...

Regardless – BA has been so worth it. I’ve loved every minute of it – and can’t wait for the rest of the time here – and for the journey to continue to Porto Alegre. We fly out in the early afternoon tomorrow… Wish us luck!   (There will be another entry about BA though... about the food, and yoga... Stay tuned for that.) 

Buenos Dias, Buenos Noches, Buenes Aires! 
Xoxo – Sar

(also – EXTRA SHOUT OUT TO MY SISTER and her new FIANCEE John Beason!  They made my trip even more special by getting engaged – and being SOOOOO EXCITED FOR THEM!!!!!!!!!!)

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