Monday, October 7, 2013

How to get stuck in an elevator without really trying....

Since I have basically eaten my way through Southern South America... maybe a bit more about that now?  Food and drink are a huge part of Brazilian culture -and the part of the country where I am was equated to the 'Texas of Brazil'... This is cowboy country, y'all.... Lots of steak, potatoes (MORE FRENCH FRIES!), gauchos...but maybe not so much big hair?  The Rio Grande del Sul even tried to pull away from Brazil at the turn of the century.

To that end, I have learned a few interesting things about Brazilian food and beverage culture... and they are as follows...

1. The 'Brazilian Early Bird Special' starts around 8 PM (for dinner)....You can get a seat ANYWHERE you want in ANYPLACE you want at this time...even for 15 people. However, you may have to wait for the kitchen and waitstaff to roll into work if you do show up at that time...
2. Their big meal is lunch, but dinner is nothing to shake a stick at either.... Trust me... (#Iwontgetfat, #Imaketheguysrunwithmeeverymorning #Thefoodisamazing)
3. Long live the french fry!  And the meat.  And pumpkin (or pumpking! :))
4. Its not a party until the band starts....and the band typically wont start in at least 1030.. Oh yea - and this is a normal Tuesday. see below....
5. Drink caipirinhas - early and often... Especially if you are going to a churrasco .. see below
(or Brazilian BBQ joint...where they serve copious amts of meat on skewers and your waiter may or may not double as a dance with knives and ropes and heavy objects on the end - that he swings at you really, see below!! )  - or just in general...

My friend / colleague Amy and I holding a spit of some kind of meat... :)

The post-1030 PM entertainment... they were really good...

The gaucho that made me a part of his sideshow twirling a rope very fast over my head/hair and only whipping me twice... while my colleagues watched with delight!!!

Other things to note...
1. When you enter a bar or restaurant - they will give you your own ticket where your individual drinks and food noted... You must hold onto this ticket to pay with it - and present it to the 'guard' at the front of each establishment....  Dont lose your ticket, people!  (Just trust me...per waiters doubling as dancers with knives)
2. People walk around with trays of food / bevs, etc - that noone ordered just to tempt you... If you opt in, it will be added to the aforementioned ticket
3. You dont tip...which means service is on Brazilian time...for sure. And remember - I was told not to wear a watch here...#theydonteither

... SO I forgot to mention that our first night in Porto Alegre - after our first team dinner and evening enjoying Brazilian fare, that me and a few boys went out for one more Caipirinha... ( For me, it really was only one more...because I am slightly nervous about being kidnapped - or at least getting lost :)... and I also negotiated our start time for the meeting the next day, so wasnt allowed to go home... 

Regardless - we get back to the hotel (which is 3 small stars, at best!) - and 7 of us pile into the elevator... and we go all the way up...and then plummet to about a foot below the lobby floor...and get stuck... No up, no down...and lots of 'panic button' pushing... The night guard got us out (luckily) - and suffice it to say, I plan to keep the churrasco LBS off by taking the stairs to my 8th floor room from now on...

(Oh - and a HUGE wedding party had to check out the next day - by lugging their luggage down many flights of stairs.  Good thing I dont speak Portuguese yet.)

Lots of love (handles!) :)
XO - Sar

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