Monday, October 14, 2013

It’s the big and little things that make an experience…(And of course the shoes you do them in!)

When my family was in South Africa earlier this year, we were told by our safari guide that we needed to look at the large and small things in the ecosystem to really get the fullest out of the safari experience… Certainly these words can be leveraged in situations far broader than just that. And I have been really trying to refocus on that advice since being in South America. It’s so easy to just run fast (especially – please hold your breath – since I have been wearing FLATS most of the time! Seeing is see below!) and try to fixate on the next thing (and the next) instead of being in the moment. 

So just a couple of stories on this topic as we roll out of the weekend… (I am at least an hour – and maybe a few hours ahead of most of you) – sadly my weekend ended before yours… and work week start before yours.  TEAR!

(And these are in no particular order...! And THANK YOU to some of my friends and colleagues for helping to make this list meatier!)

1.  The Brazilian butt lift is alive and well here...both real and fake!  Jeans, in fact, are sold with removable pads in the the back pockets to give the Brazilian girls that extra 'umph'.... Hmmm... (In fact, I met a girl this weekend who is going to start importing jeans to the States because she thinks that may be missing from our wardrobes. :) Get ready, ladies!)

Learning Portuguese from a very reputable source!

2. The Brazilians are actually more focused on fitness than I perhaps thought they were.  Each morning when we go running, there are a number of Brazilians also working out in the park... Interestingly enough, though, that they do not have a sock color choice... Meaning.. if you go to Europe and work out, everyone is wearing dark / black socks with their workout gear - and in the States we typically opt for white. Here - anything goes!  You cant judge a Brazilian by their sock color choice, that is for sure. :)

3. Grass roots community involvement is very important and ever present. The amount of opportunities we have had to participate in the one-off movement, activity, class, etc has been unparalleled. Yesterday, Annette, Amy and I got to participate in 2 different Afro Brazilian cultural events taking place in the park. The first was a 'activity' we participated in was focused on 'white magic' ( It basically consisted of a drum and singing circle and lots of swaying...!  And after, many of those folks would participate in Sunday evening 'capoeira' in the park. 

Brazilian community movement in the park. Afro Brazilian culture
Speaking of that - I am doing capoeira tonight after work, before Portuguese class. Get ready, Chicago, I plan to bring some of my surely new sick moves back with me!! : ) (  Quickly - capoeria is a 'work out' which combines dance, arcobatics, and musical instruments... Right up my alley!  Supposedly you just do squats and lunges for about 2 hours.  #justintime because we are going to the beach next weekend!!!

4. The buffet is ALIVE AND WELL in Brazil.  And I think my internet radio (Spotify) must know I have been to a few, because I keep hearing advertisements for Longhorn steakhouse.  (Barf!)  The same is on my face even just typing about this...!!  And now the real question - Which came first - the buffet or the capoeria?!

5. And last but not least - because I am sure you are all dying to know... I acquired my first Brazilian 'mitbringsel' (souvenir) leather goods this weekend!  SHOES!  (Annette got 2 pairs, so I was the well behaved one!)  The leather goods here are certainly beautiful, hand made, etc.  
No, I dont have cankels...and if I do, its from all of the buffets!  But those ARE my new shoes! #OMGIBOUGHTFLATS
So many to love!  So little room in my suitcase

More to come after another day of work, and a few classes this evening...! 

Love, peace and shoes-
My SAP colleagues and friends in Brazil. We did a month of service project on Sat (before another buffet lunch) by painting an orphanage #givingback #internationalservice


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