Friday, September 20, 2013

Ok... here goes nothing... As those of you who know me 'know'... I am not one to publicly express my feelings or words (ok, I surely speak them freely, but dont usually document in a public forum :))...  I am not a big Facebooker, nor do I tweet with regularity. I'm getting more used to posting on Instagram, and surely have a LinkedIn profile... (For those of you who don't know me, or havent seen me in a while...)
I am on the Left, and one of my closest friends Brooke is on the right. Picture taken in SF this summer
However, I feel so excited, so blessed and so enthused- that this, dear friends, is going to change today!  (Oh - and - by the way - my sister - has already thrown the gauntlet and beaten me to the first blog!  (and second, and probably 3rd already!))  So that doesnt hurt either...  I document with pride my first blog entry ever!

For those of you who saw Jenny's post, she mentioned how amazing to have a sister that one is best friends with...and she is right!  It is amazing to be able to be able to share both personal and professional experiences with her! I am truly blessed for that alone. As I already noted, I feel extremely lucky about so many things - and one of those many opportunities that lies before me is a one-month trip to Brazil. I am going to be spending the month of October 2013 in Porto Alegre, Brazil.. working with an NGO, learning, growing, traveling, learning Portuguese (Obrigado, my people!). And hopefully returning to the USA a better, (more) well rounded, informed person who has supported a growing economy and has gotten closer to the non-for-profit world.

I have a lot to do before I leave in 11 days... i.e. work very hard to ensure 'my' business is taken care of while I am gone, see my friends and family to wish them 'farewell', unpack, repack, shop, make important housing decisions for my return to Chicago, etc.  Yea, the task list is long - and perhaps slightly overwhelming.. But - as I like to say - its way better to be busy than not - and think I may literally be the busiest I have ever been (which some of you may know is REALLY busy!)... One thing is certain - I am not bored!!

So, as my travels unfold, and my life lessons grow in number - I would welcome sharing them with you... for whatever they are worth! already listed out a number of the lessons/feedback/tidbits we have been given as we look forward to these new adventures we are about to emback I dont repeat them, but am also certainly taking them to heart.   

Over and out, my friends! #aufwiedersehen #obrigado #thankyouforbeingafriend #comevisitmeinbrazil 

Some of my besties came to Chicago this summer to visit... Back - Lauren, Meredith / Front - Brooke, my sister, Jenny, Ashley and me!

Chicago! I will cherish the next few weeks and see you soon!!  #dontsnowtoosoon #willmissyoumeanit

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